Hire experienced contractors for your Agency FAST!

Tell us the position you want to hire for and we will send a shortlist of vetted and qualified candidates.
Prepare for your remote interview in Nigeria

Our Classes

We are the REAL deal

Tell us the position you want to hire for and we will send a shortlist of vetted and qualified candidates.

Here is what we offer.

Talent sourcing

Don’t bother yourself with technical interview questions to ask contractors, we handle all that and send you candidates so you make a choice based on culture fit and who you prefer working with.


Contractors like to be paid on time but, paying contractors can be a headache because they do not have the same payment processors as you do. We handle all of that so you maintain a healthy working relationship with your contractor.

Value for money

Making full use of Global workforce we go around the world to provide you with contractors who have at least 3 years of working experience in the domain for as little as $5/hr. Great service and appy contractors would scale your agency.

Legal and people expertise

With over 10 years in marketing and handling contractors for our agency and other agencies we know all legal and HR matters that may arise. We keep your contractors happy by checking up on them. While also providing contracts to protect and arm you for hiring talent.


Experienced Media buyers, Virtual assistants, Setters and outreach specialists, Video editors and anyone else you need to scale. Send us a request and save costs and time running your agency.

  • Appointment Setters
  • Video/Graphic Editors
  • Virtual assistants
  • SEO specialists 
  • Sales development representative
  • Software Engineers
  • Marketers